Relax Footpeg system

Product information "Relax Footpeg system"

Relax footrests PAIR. Additional footrests moved forward to the engine.

For frequent riders or generally to relax the knees or the muscles. Just stretch your legs and put your heels forward on the footrests. This helps and relaxes.
Fits best to the Bonneville or Thruxton with high handlebars. With the Scrambler you have to watch out on the right side by the raised exhaust because of the heat.

Included in the kit are.
Machined aluminum footrest mounts, LSL footrest (with approval), folding footrest joints.

Models Triumph AC until 2015:
  • Bonneville SE Gussrad
  • Bonneville T100 EFI
  • Bonneville T100 Vergaser
  • Scrambler EFI
  • Scrambler Vergaser
  • Thruxton 900 EFI
  • Thruxton Vergaser
Triumph AC bis 2015
Bonneville SE Gussrad
Bonneville T100 EFI
Bonneville T100 Vergaser
Scrambler EFI
Scrambler Vergaser
Speedmaster / America
Thruxton 900 EFI
Thruxton Vergaser

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