5 3/4 headlight with side fixing

Product information "5 3/4 headlight with side fixing"
Ein Hochwertiger Metall Scheinwerfer im Stil & Groesse des Scheinwerfer von Scrambler und Bonneville T140 & Spirit. Dient hier optimal als ersatz um den billig wirkenden originalen Plastischeinwerfer zu ersaetzen. Oder bei anderen Motorraederern um einfach einen etwas kleinen Scheinwerfer zu verbauen. Die Kabel muessen zum Teil unter den Tank verlegt werden.
Models Triumph AC until 2015:
  • Bonneville SE Gussrad
  • Bonneville T100 EFI
  • Bonneville T100 Vergaser
  • Scrambler EFI
  • Scrambler Vergaser
  • Speedmaster / America
  • Thruxton 900 EFI
  • Thruxton Vergaser
Triumph AC bis 2015
Bonneville SE Gussrad
Bonneville T100 EFI
Bonneville T100 Vergaser
Scrambler EFI
Scrambler Vergaser
Speedmaster / America
Thruxton 900 EFI
Thruxton Vergaser

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LED headlamp insert 5 3/4 CB11457M / RS10
J.W LED headlight inserts for 5 3/4 inch headlights.These LED headlights provide extremely bright light. This makes you feel safe on the road even in the dark. The original H4 headlights are simply not very bright (is just technology from yesterday).With this LED insert, even the night becomes day.high beam: 1600 lm / low beam 1020 lmRegardless of the safety aspect, such a bright LED light is also visually impressive! Who does not know it from the car? A car with xenon or LED light has a completely different effect than one with cheap H4 bulbs.The J.W. Speaker LED inserts have an adaptive cornering light, which provides even more safety at night.Cornering light means that when you steer, additional, external LEDs come on to better illuminate the bend, just like you know it from modern cars.The insert is available in black & chrome (see photos)The installation and connection is very easy, by a plug&play cable to a H4 connector.The headlight fits into our accessories 5 ¾ inch headlight (see accessories).  Installation Triumph Bobber:Fits directly plug & play without further adapters into the original headlights of the Bobber models.For models that have already installed a LED headlights from the factory, the adapter cable “Triumph wiring harness LED” is also required. This can be found below the description of the accessories. Installation Triumph Scrambler 1200:Fits directly plug & play without any further adapters into the original headlight of the scrambler models.For models that already have an LED headlight installed from the factory, the adapter cable “Triumph wiring harness LED” is also required. You can find this below the description in the accessories.Additional Triumph AC models:To get an even cleaner front, you can optionally order the headlight plate (see accessories in this description).

From €780.00*