License plate holder Short Speed Twin

Product information "License plate holder Short Speed Twin"

Short number plate holder for Triumph Speed Twin 1200 made of stainless steel and black powder coated.

The perfect and most minimalist number plate for the original aluminium mudguard of the Speed Twin.

We have made the licence plate holder extra small for the new version, so that the licence plate holder can be used for any country in the world.
Dimension (height x width): 100mm x 160mm
We now also offer additional Vario indicator holders that can be mounted on the licence plate holder (optional / you will find the holders under the accessories in this description).

The holder replaces the ugly and much too long original plastic licence plate holder.
Mounting material, licence plate holders and detailed step-by-step mounting instructions are included.

If you want to make your tail even cleaner, you can replace the original tail light with 3-1 turn signals / tail light combination turn signals. To do this, you need the "Triumph tail light replacement for 3-1 turn signals" kit (see accessories article).

The number plate light disappears nice and deep into the mudguard and is hardly visible. This way the number plate moves nice and close to the mudguard.

No ABE, certificate or similar is required for our short licence plate holder. It complies with the StvO and does not need to be registered. Simply install it and you can continue to ride legally.
In order to ride completely legally, a reflector must of course be installed. You can either use the original one (which we do not recommend, as it is very large) or you can order the small reflector from our range (see accessories in this description).
To mount the annoying number plate as discreetly as possible, we offer an optional number plate screw set (see accessory article).
We have taken great care in the design to ensure that the holder does not come into contact with the rear wheel even at maximum compression, which is not the case with all holders on the market.

Triumph LC models from 2016:
  • Speed Twin - 1200
Triumph LC ab 2016
Speed Twin 1200 EU 4
Speed Twin 1200 EU 5
Speed Twin 1200 EU 5 +
Speed Twin 1200 RS

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Triumph Tail light replacement for 3-1 indicator CB12101.3M / RS600
This Triumph taillight replacement for the for various Triumph models allows to dismantle the original taillight and 3-1 turn signals (turn signals with integrated taillight to install). To get a nice solution (as on the product images), the Raisch turn signal adapter is needed (you can order below the description simply in the set to. This then allows all accessories 3-1 turn signals with M8 thread to mount.In addition, we also recommend the cable set for easier wiring to order (Attention for the Speed Twin Euro 5 models there is no cable set, these models must be wired manually). Matching turn signals to the set you can order with 10% discount, below the description in the set. Our recommendation for this set are the turn signals of the brand Rizoma, which fit perfectly. Tip Scrambler / Speed Twin 1200: To get a really cool and clean tail on these models, we recommend a short license plate holder to order (see accessories below the description). The aluminum plate with the Triumph emblem is supplied in silver.

From €65.00*
Reflector CB00080 / RS600
Reflector with holder. Ugly but mandatory. Only for the TUEV demonstration.

License plate screw set CB11444 / RS0
These screws are powder coated in the matching colors (white / blue / black) for the license plate. We have our stainless steel screws powdered in Germany. This allows us to guarantee a high quality. The tool still fits, even the color does not burst. Delivery: 1x screw M5x20 blue 2x screw M5x20 black 3x screw M5x20 white 4x self-locking nut M5 4x washer M5 DIN9021 The advantages of powder-coated screws: - Mechanically resilient - Corrosion resistant - Weather resistant - Environmentally friendly

Turn signal holder - Vario CB12380 / RS0
A pair of Vario turn signal holders that are adjustable in width for all license plate sizes. The Vario turn signal holders are suitable for some Classicbike-Raisch license plate holders as accessories (all matching license plate holders to which the turn signal holders fit are assigned to the accessories articles of this article). The holders are through their fixing nose, twist safe to install. The practical thing about the holders is that they are variable in width to move (see photos). So you can use them on the one hand for all license plate sizes and on the other hand you can adjust the holder for each turn signal perfectly. The Vario holders are included screws, stop nuts and washers.


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Model: Speed Twin EU 4 / 2017-20 | Version: Version 1
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